Friday, June 8, 2012

New Frozen Coffee Flavor: Could you be the inspiration?!

For the month of June we will be holding a contest to see who can come up with the tastiest new frozen coffee flavor.  We are looking for some inspiration for new menu items and who better to turn to than our customers!  We want to know what flavors you're craving and curious to try.  Are you a regular customer, a casual passerby, or just browsing our blog? Well no matter how frequent you visit Mugshots we're curious to see what you have to say.  Stop by our cafe during the month of June and try our frozen coffee drinks and tell us what you like, don't like, and what you would like to see on our menu.  If you give us a winning new flavor idea we will reward you with a $50.00 gift card to Mugshots.  We would love to hear what our customers have to offer so come on by and try something old or try something new and with your suggestions you could possibly be trying your very own flavor this fall!  Don't miss your chance to be the inspiration behind the new flavor.
New Summer Menu:

As of June 1st 2012 we have an updated summer drink menu.  Some newcomers include our Green Tea Grasshopper smoothie, The Frozen Grasshopper Mocha frozen coffee blend, and My Sister's Favorite Mocha from the espresso bar!  And if our updated summer drink menu doesn't tempt you to stop by then come for our half off Happy Hour specials running from June to August.  All summer long from 4:30pm to 7:00pm we will be offering all of our frozen coffee blends for half off.  We want you to stay refreshed and what better way than to enjoy a cool frozen drink!  Don't miss out on these cool drinks at prices so low they're criminal.   

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract Changes Weight Loss Supplement Industry After Scientific Results Exposed by Dr Oz

Dr Oz's pure green coffee bean extract TV episode sparked a loud debate over the legitimacy for natural weight loss using green coffee beans. Find out the Pure Green Coffee Extract results exposed by Doctor Oz as millions looked on.

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Pure Green Coffee Bean Extrac for Weight Loss
Pure Green Coffee Bean Extrac for Weight Loss: The Essence of Raw Green Coffee Beans
Quote startThe world's leading Green Coffee Extract researcher Dr Joe Vinson and Dr Oz recommend pure green coffee beans for weight lossQuote end
Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) May 23, 2012
As summer quickly approaches and the sun continues to shine longer, finding a premium natural weight loss supplement such as pure green coffee bean extract will help burn excess body fat much quicker than ordinary diet and exercise.
There are times when losing weight requires a little extra boost to complement healthy activity and dietary habits.
Recently, a new clinical medical study indicated that little boost may come from the pure green coffee bean extract.
The “miracle green coffee superbean” was presented by top universities and medical establishments around the country for its perceived health benefits of supporting optimal fat metabolism and blood sugar regulation.
The number of debunked natural health alternatives for weight loss including supplements has steadily increased over the past few years.
Asking why the extract of pure green coffee beans could be any different than all the other miracles is wise to do: but green coffee bean extract seems to relate as everything that deals with the versatile coffee plant is valuable, and now science has found a way to extract the pure substance found only in raw green coffee beans.
The beneficial substance comes from the fresh green seeds found inside the red coffee cherry berries: the essence of the coffee beans.
As science and technology continues to evolve together, pure green coffee bean extract was featured and administered in a double-blind, placebo controlled human pilot study for 12 weeks.
The weight loss results amazed researchers along with the world’s leading green coffee bean extract researcher, Dr Joe Vinson. The controlled green coffee bean extract study featured just 16 participants who were advised not to make any dramatic changes to diet or exercise routines. The results concluded 3 months of use, at a green coffee extract dose of 800mg were profound.
After 12 weeks of rigorous evaluation, green coffee and weight loss have been associated with one another ever since.
As every participant experienced an average of 1 pound per week, researchers found a consistent pure green coffee extract dose allowed for the main benefits of untreated green coffee beans to have positive influence towards natural weight loss.
What is Pure Green Coffee Bean’s magical extract? Chlorogenic acid.
Not only did green coffee’s chlorogenic acid extract help accelerate the body’s weight loss mechanisms, but it inhibited and slowed down glucose intake allowing for blood-sugar levels to balance out.
Because of the small successful study results concluded from dieting with pure green coffee bean extract, it was published in the prestigious the “Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity Journal” as an effective body fat burner and fat metabolism booster.
Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract: Featured on and Recommended Dr Oz Tv Show
The world’s most recognized and known doctor featured his miracle fat burner to be green coffee bean extract.
While Dr Oz did not recommend any green coffee supplement over another, viewers and audience were cautioned to make sure and find a pure green coffee extract for optimal results and effects.
Finding a quality Green Coffee Extract Supplement will ensure the pure chlorogenic acid extract maintains all of its beneficial compounds and enzymes.
Similar to the popular green tea extract, the pure green coffee extract contains many more promising health benefits than just losing weight faster.
The natural compound also provides and acts as a potent antioxidant towards harmful free oxygen radical damage. Due to the way cellular health has evolved over the past decade, science now points to metabolic waste (free radicals) as one of the main culprits for poor health and longevity in today’s society.
Green Coffee Bean Extract also seems to aid in the support of balancing blood-sugar levels which can potentially lower the body’s hyperglycemic peak which is the rate at which glucose (sugar) is absorbed in the body.
Too much excess sugar in the standard American diet ultimately turns to body fat and becomes toxic in nature. The body’s carbohydrate and fat metabolism hormone insulin gets overworked as a result. This in turn makes the body produce fat to safely engulf or swallow the toxins as a defense mechanism to render them useless.
The problem: most diets consumed do not allow for timely and proper elimination of the accumulation of these toxins and free radicals and dramatically accelerates the aging process. Along with faster aging, weight gain can quickly follow and cause a number of health challenges such as diabetes and obesity.
Many turn to fat burning supplements for an extra boost and motivation towards being consistent about weight loss goals.
Just as Dr Oz mentioned, understand by adding a single weight loss product such as pure green coffee bean extract will never replace what a quality diet and plenty of fitness can do.
A new day has emerged in the science of health and nutrition, and to think it all could come down to pure green coffee beans for natural weight loss. Start losing weight at a comfortable rate without making significant changes will allow for more long term results towards a healthier lifestyle.
For more about green coffee extract for weight loss, visit


Caffeine is a substance found in food and pharmaceutical products that exerts various biological effects on the body. About 3/4 of the caffeine that we consume comes from coffee. 

Coffee made from coffee beans contains the highest level of caffeine and one cup of black coffee has approximately 103-112mg of caffeine. 

A single cup of the instant coffee commonly consumed in Korea contains approximately 60 mg of caffeine. Assuming that one cup of coffee contains two teaspoons of ground coffee, a single teaspoon contains about 30 mg of caffeine. One cup of decaffeinated coffee only contains approximately 2-5mg of caffeine, making it suitable for those who do not like the effects of caffeine.

Black tea and other types of tea contain 31mg-42mg of caffeine. Coke contains 38mg-46mg of caffeine. Medications prescribed for the common cold (especially when there are symptoms such as sneezing and nasal obstruction) can also contain caffeine along with antihistamines. This is because antihistamines have sedative effects so caffeine is used as a stimulant.

Caffeine is a nervous stimulant that increases alertness. When a large amount of caffeine is consumed it may lead to alertness, palpitations and diuretic effects due to the effects of the caffeine. However, the levels of caffeine in food or drinks are not enough to cause significant effects on behavior or physiology.

When two cups of coffee are consumed (containing approximately 150-200 mg of caffeine) there is an increase of 5-15 mm Hg in blood pressure within 15 minutes of consumption and blood pressure remains elevated for about two hours. This effect is seen in both those who consume coffee regularly and those who do not. However, long term consumption of coffee does not lead to hypertension or increased risk of developing hypertension.

A study failed to show an increase in blood pressure following daily consumption of 504 mg of caffeine for four weeks. This result was consistent in both those with high and normal blood pressure. It seems that the body can adjust readily to the effects of caffeine with regards blood pressure and flow.

On the other hand, there are numerous reports that caffeine leads to an increase in blood lipids. However, the increase in lipid levels is believed to be due to other substances in coffee than caffeine. This is because the increase in blood lipids is not observed when other drinks containing caffeine, for example black tea and coke, are consumed.

There have been concerns about coffee consumption in pregnant women because caffeine readily crosses the placenta to the fetus. In animal studies, the consumption of 80 mg of caffeine per 1 kg of body weight in pregnant mice led to a decrease in the body weight of fetal mice as well as an increased rate of mutation. However, consistent results have not been observed in human studies.

There have been some reports that the rate of underweight births, miscarriages and premature births are high in mothers who consumed coffee, but there have also been as many reports showing no such effects. Therefore, it is difficult to conclude what effects caffeine has on the fetus. Professionals agree that excessive consumption of caffeine should be avoided in pregnant women to prevent any harmful effects on the fetus.

There is no conclusive data suggesting that caffeine causes cancer. There are some studies showing an association between coffee and bladder cancer, pancreatic cancer, esophageal cancer, kidney cancer and breast cancer, but this still remains unclear. It would be wise to limit the daily intake of coffee to two cups a day to prevent cancer.
Cho Young-yun

By Cho Young-yun

The author is a director of dietetics at Samsung Medical Center. ― Ed.

Colombian Coffee Output May Rise To Five-Year High

Colombia, the world’s second-largest coffee supplier after Brazil, said output is forecast to rise to its highest in five years in 2013 because of drier weather.
Output may rise to 9 million bags from about 7.8 million bags expected this year, Luis Munoz, chief executive officer of Colombia’s National Federation of Coffee Growers, said in Bogota after a news conference today. That would be the most since 11.5 million bags in 2008, according to the coffee federation’s data.
The crop will improve in the second half of 2012 from the first six months of the year, when plants were damaged by heavy rainfall, Munoz told reporters. A weather pattern, known as La Nina, that brought above-average rainfall to Colombia has ended, President Juan Manuel Santos said May 4.
Coffee futures have fallen 33 percent in a year as traders forecast a bigger crop in Brazil, the largest producer of Arabica beans favored by brewers such as Starbucks Corp.
Each bag of coffee weighs 60 kilograms (132 pounds).
To contact the reporter on this story: Heather Walsh in Bogota at
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Dale Crofts at

Monday, May 21, 2012

Live Longer by Drinking Coffee                                   
In addition to a caffeine buzz, one of the benefits of drinking coffee may be a lower risk of death.

Drinking coffee
Trying to kick the coffee habit? If you want to live longer, you might want to rethink giving up your three daily cappuccinos. A new study found that drinking coffee could lower your risk of death.
Researchers from the National Institutes of Health gathered information from 229,119 men and 173,141 women who were part of the AARP Diet and Health Study, making this the largest study of coffee.
After 13 years, men who drank two to three cups of coffee a day had a 10 percent lower chance of dying, compared to men who didn’t drink coffee. Women who drank the same amount had a 13 percent decreased risk.
Coffee drinkers also had a lower risk of dying from specific diseases, such as respiratory disease, heart disease, diabetes, as well as injuries and accidents. The risk of dying from cancer, however, was not lower for women who drank coffee, and was slightly higher for male coffee drinkers.
The current study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, tried to overcome some of the shortcomings of the previous research. This included taking into account the fact that many coffee drinkers also smoke tobacco, which tends to increase the risk of death.
While this is the largest study to examine the benefits of coffee, more research is needed to determine whether coffee can directly help people live longer.
The beneficial results seen in the study, however, were true for both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee. This makes that afternoon trip to the coffee shop a little more enjoyable.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Get Fit by Drinking Coffee

Does the Green Coffee Bean Diet really work? Dr. Joe Vinson, a professor of chemistry at the University of Scranton, recently conducted a study about green coffee bean extract for fast weight loss. He presented the results on March 28 of this year at the Spring 2012 Meeting & Expo of the American Chemical Society held in San Diego, California. He has quite an impressive CV, and after the results were presented, interest in more information on this new way to lose weight quickly and safely went up.
In Vinson's study, 16 adults who were overweight at the time went through three 6-week periods using a 700 mg dose, a 1050 mg dose, and a placebo. The participants were aged 22 to 46 years old. Daily intake of calories for them averaged 2,400 per day, which is slightly above many recommended amounts for losing weight.
Still, at the end of the study, there was an average of 17 pounds lost by all participants. There was a delay in between stages of the study in order for their bodies to clear it from their system. In total, the study lasted 22 weeks.
While you may think it is the caffeine in the green coffee bean that is what causes the weight loss, some believe that Chlorogenic Acid plays a much larger role. However, more research is being conducted. Still,  Chlorogenic Acid enabled the body to better regulate glucose levels and also helps speed up the metabolism so that the body can naturally burn more calories.
Something that points to  Chlorogenic Acid playing a larger role in the weight loss help from green coffee beans, is the fact that roasted coffee beans (that are not green) do not provide the exact same benefits of green coffee bean extract. As mentioned, however, many more studies need to be done, but initial results are very promising.
This may be why green coffee bean extract was mentioned on a recent Dr. Oz episode along with other fat burning foods and products. All you need to do, however, is search the Internet to see that many people are starting to get interested in this new method of losing weight.

Green Coffee Bean Tablets or Extract?

While you may be able to purchase the extract of the green coffee bean on your own, when it is compressed into tablet form, it is easier to add it to the daily routine. The choice of which is better is going to be up to the individual that decides to try this alleged method to burn fat fast. other Benefits Does Green Coffee Provide?

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, green coffee bean extract is also thought to be very helpful in other ways.
  • Antioxidants - Chlorogenic Acid is a polyphenol that functions as an antioxidant, protecting the body from harmful cells that can cause damage - like cancer cells.
  • Overall Health - Additionally, green coffee beans are thought to also help with cardiovascular health, although more research needs to be done.
  • Blood Sugar Levels - By helping glucose levels in the body, you may be able to keep your blood sugar levels at an appropriate level, which can decrease the chance of type 2 diabetes.
There is still a lot of research to be done on green coffee bean extract and the diet pills that are made from it, but initial results have been quite promising for many people, prompting them to actually buy products based on the green coffee bean.

Below is the link to the article:

Thursday, April 26, 2012

What our coffee will do for you!

So we have all heard the latest buzz about buying organic and locally grown food, but what about coffee? Mug Shots not only cares about the satisfaction of our customers, but their well being too. This is why we have chosen to offer an array of organic coffee products. At this point, the question "what is so good about organic coffee?" is probably brewing through your mind. First off, organic coffee beans are grown without the use of chemicals and pesticides which are harmful to both the environment and your body. In regular types of coffees, it has been said that the chemicals have been know to store in the body's fat cells for years. Organic coffee is also loaded with antioxidants and can help regulate blood sugar. After all these health benefits, it's no wonder why Mug Shots is so in favor of providing organic coffee to our customers!

To read more about organic coffee and the health benefits follow this link:

Monday, April 16, 2012

Coffee so good it's criminal!

Mugshots Coffee Shop is all about coffee so good it's criminal!  We're a new coffee shop opening in Center City Philadelphia at 1809 Sansom.  Our philosophy is all about providing the most pleasurable experience for the customer while maintaining a high standard in environmental performance.  We offer strictly organic products harvested in the most environmentally efficient way to provide you with the best quality coffee. Come check out our coffee shop and try one of our featured coffees of the day and receive a voucher for a free coffee at your next visit.